Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Vector Logos vs. Bitmap Logos

Vector graphic, for those of you who didn’t know, are the graphics you create in programs like Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc. This is in my option the best way to make a logo, due to many factors.

The thing about a vector graphic, or being the logo, is that it will never pixelate. This is ideal if you want to use the logo for bigger things like putting your logo on a bill board. Also for a designers point it is easier to modify and make changes to a vector graphic, if the client has a change of mind with colour or wants a modification done to the graphic.

If the logo had to be made as a bitmap image, it would be like a photo, but in the way you just thought. For example, when you have a photo on your computer and you zoom in quite a bit, the picture/photo get blocky, or pixelated. This isn’t good if all of a sudden you need the logo to be bigger and if you do it anyway, it will look unprofessional.

With all the new tools for vector graphic, there’s no real reason not to use vector instead of bitmap graphic logo, but so important in the long run. 

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