Saturday, 15 October 2011

Hot or Not?

When on the hunt for quality 3D content, the search engine approach often leads to long strings of “linkage” that may or may not be useful. It’s more of a 3D lottery than anything else. Here at Artificial Brilliance we’ve found the perfect solution to the problem – we have found the Holy Grail of quality filter sites: 3D Elite.
The team at 3D Elite appears to have one sole mission: to filter the “hot” from the “not”. This nifty little website is a fantastic tool for designers, game developers and general art enthusiasts. In their mission to separate the wheat from the chaff, these guys have created a category list containing links to top quality designers of 3D airplanes, cars, people and far. The good news is that this site shows some true promise and we are hopeful of speedy expansion.
In addition to the above, the 3D Elite gurus have compiled a few informative articles to give the budding young developer or artist a push in the right direction. There is no need to spend hours searching for tips and guidelines when these good Samaritans are happy to dish it all out free of charge. In an industry where time management is the key to success, it helps to have access to a site that eliminates the many frustrating hours one would otherwise spend Googling.
Perhaps the best aspect of this site is the fact that these are the kind of obliging souls who welcome feedback and questions. So if ever you find yourself  wandering the internet with no clue of where to go next, they will be more than willing to give directions. It’s like web-Garmin, without the flaws!

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